maslangat background

Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
This association has been established and registered officially on July 30, 2007 and by registration number 1466-07-SEL. It is an association comprising of senior citizens around the Hulu Langat and nearby areas. This association has also been developed from time to time whereby the total of membership at present is 339 people and is expected to increase in future.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Highlighted by The Elderly Concern II

Never too late to learn” was the title of an article in the section Star Educate (Sunday 19th June 2011). Inspiring stories regarding some older Malaysian who were involved in the activities under the University of the Third Age (U3A) at the Institute of Gerontology (IG), Universiti Putra Malaysia were laid down. It is a very good project piloted by IG and it is hoped that these activities will keep on going. Perhaps this type of project can be taken up, even at small scale by other stakeholders. Reflecting what I wrote in my blog in 2008 titled “Post Doctorate at 82”, where I felt very inspired after talking to an elderly participant who attended the British Socitey of Gerontology conference. She came not only as participant but presented a paper. The moral behind all these is that the elderly people want and should maximise their health and vitality. And the younger generations should be aware of their needs and work together with them.

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